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Chelsi's Healthy Journey

         I remember stepping on the scale after baby number 2 and it reading 236 pounds and I was in shock!!! I couldn't believe I let myself go over 200 pounds. At pre-baby I was no skinny mini but I weighed 71 pounds less...WOWZERS!! 

         After my first son was born I was determined to lose the weight I had gained but then I met my husband! He loved me for me and soon losing weight didn't even matter to me. A couple years later we were lucky to have another bundle of joy and with this pregnancy I packed on even more weight. After he was born I knew that I had to make a healthy change for MYSELF. I started researching everything ranging from diets, recipes, tips and workouts. I came to realize that losing weight is all about nutrition. I changed my eating habits completely as well as being more active and the pounds started melting off 76 pounds to be exact! At this point I was close to my goal weight but I decided it was good enough and maintained 160 pounds through my wedding. 

        My wedding was an amazing day, but afterwards I became VERY lazy and splurged ALOT, i mean come on i was celebrating (8 months worth). I put 12 pounds back on and i don't think would've noticed if it wasn't for a very unflattering Fourth of July picture that made me step back on the scale. That is the moment when I decided I was going to lose those 12 pounds and continue to work towards my original goal of 150 pounds! 

         I worked my A$$ off and four months later (to this date) I am 135 pounds with a total weight loss of 101 pounds. Now that I obtained my goal I am setting new ones for myself! My current goal is muscle gain and tone. I want my tummy to look like it didn't get stretched out by a cow, seriously my stomach is a hot mess.  

         I started sharing my journey that at first was very, very hard, I mean who wants to show pictures when your confidence is at an all time low????? I quickly realized that by sharing my weight-loss journey with others; questions, comments, and good vibes started to flood my inboxes and conversarions!!!!!! My weight loss journey became an inspiration to others so i created Chelsifit (Instagram)and Push Fitness(Facebook), which is pages that are full of healthy living products, recipes, tips and workouts at your disposal. I even took a bigger, scarier leap and decided to make my passion into a career. The Fall of 2016 I started studying for my personal trainer certificate.

         My journey is FAR from the end and by no means is perfect, but its honest and fun. I'm here to show you even mothers can be fit and find time to live that healthy lifestyle that we dream of.

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